PRECONCEIVED OPINIONS CAN HINDER WHAT WE HEAR?Years ago I heard a unique story about LISTENING:Many years ago a General was visiting and inspecting the Army Base under him.The General was drilling and questioning all the soldiers.The men treated him with great respect.At one point during the inspection the General asked to SPEAK PRIVATELYWITH THE BUGLER... The General asked to see the young man’s BUGLE.The young soilder pulled out a beautiful brass military issued instrument.The General asked the BUGLER several questions about his trumpetand his ability to play. Then the General commanded the young man to secrecy. The young man agreed.The General asked the BUGLER: DO YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE FIRE CALL?Of course said the young man. The General told the BUGLER, AT 4 AM SUNDAY MORNING I WANT YOUTO MEET ME IN THE CENTER OF THE CAMP AND HAVE YOUR BUGLE WITH YOU! REMEMBER, TELL NO ONE ABOUT THIS.The Post Commander was anxious to hear what the General had said to hisbugler? So when the General left, the Commander inquired what had beensaid. The young soldier refused to answer...After much pressure the BUGLER told the Commander...THE GENERAL ASKED COULD I PLAY THE FIRE CALL. THEN HE ORDERED ME TO BE AT THE CENTER OF CAMP AT 4 AM SUNDAY MORNING.So the Commander ordered all his men to come to the Fire Hall Saturday.They folded every hose just perfect. They waxed the fire trucks and cleaned the garage from top to bottom.Now the commander ordered his men at 4 AM in the morning be ready andwhen the FIRE CALL SOUNDS RUSH TO THE FIRE HALL.At 4 AM Sunday morning the BUGLER WAS STANDING AT HIS POST OF DUTYIN THE CENTER OF CAMP. HIS TRUMPET WAS ALL SHINED AND WAXED...THE BUGLER HAD PRACTICED SEVERAL DAYS ON THE FIRE CALL...The General gave the order to the young soldier: BLOW THE CALL TO CHURCH... CALL THE ASSEMBLE TO WORSHIP...The young man: SIR, YOU ASKED ME ABOUT THE FIRE CALL?DID YOU FORGET? THE GENERAL ORDERED THE SOLDIER: CALL THE ASSEMBLE TO WORSHIP,RIGHT NOW!The young man placed the trumpet to his lips and LOUDLY BLEW THE CALL TOASSEMBLE TO WORSHIP --- AFTER ALL IT WAS SUNDAY...The General and the Bugler stood in the middle of the base. The BUGLER blew very loudly the CALL TO WORSHIP...The commander and all his soilders were dressed and ready. When the trumpet sounded they all ran right past the General and the Bugler to the fire station... in the silence of the morning the fire doors flew open.The sirens were screaming, the bells were clanking. The Base Commander and his soilders were standing on the shiny fire trucks roaring out of the fire hall ...BUT SEEMS NO ONE KNEW WHERE THEY WERE GOING?HOW MANY PASTORS ARE RUNNING SOMEPLACE TO A FIRE?HOW MANY PARENTS HAVE THE SIRENS SCREAMING?HOW MANY TEENAGERS HAVE THEIR OWN PRE-CONCEIVED IDEAS THAT THEIR PARENTS SHOULD BOW?Listen: To make an effort to hear... To take notice... Pay attentionProcess or power of taking in sound... ear shot... A session where testimony is heard... Hear:Perceive with the ear... listen... to judge...
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