We awoke to a beautiful blanket of crystal white
snow covering every inch of the landscape. What a fantastic sight! Can there be a more lovely place in the whole world?
Why I Love snow
They say that every snowflake is different, with that being true. How could we ever get up off our knees? How could we ever recover from the wonder of it? Simple answer of why we get off our knees and how we recover from the wonder of it is we don’t truly understand the love he has for us and how he desires us to know more about him.In our busy lives I think that God uses snow to help slow us down. To take a moment of time for us to hunker down and snuggle in to know more about HIM. But to often we feel we must do what we want to do rather than do what He wants us to do. We get out of the roads and slip, slide, and go slower than normal. We get angery that we cant do what we want to do. We have plans, we have events to go to, people to see and places to go. But I think that God in heaven says, hey listen up listen to me, FOLLOW Me and I will do great things in your life.
Snowflakes (the correct scientific term is really snow crystals) are born when a water molecule (that is, two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom) gets together with others of its kind to form a hexagonal (that is, six-sided) lattice.
Just as the snowflake’s rough and tumble journey up and down through the winter sky dictates the shape it will ultimately take when it finally falls to earth, so the ups and downs each one of us experiences in life determines the character that we too will end up with.
Like snowflakes, each of us has many facets. Not in the course of hours or days, as with the snowflake, but over the years of our life.
As scientist and snow specialist Kenneth Libbrecht points out, the tremendously symmetrical snowflakes we tend to see in illustrations are the exception rather than the rule.
“Don’t be fooled by the pictures,” writes Libbrecht on his website snowcrystals.com. “Irregular crystals are by far the most common type. If you don’t believe me, just take a look for yourself next time it snows. Near-perfect, symmetrical snow crystals are fun to look at, but they are not common.”
In fact, there probably isn’t such a thing as a 100% perfect snowflake. Somewhere, in all that wondrous crystalline perfection, a tiny flaw is always hiding. The same goes for us. We have all missed the mark, we have all sinned (Romans 3:23)
This time when we have snow is for you and I to relize that God has created each snowflake unique and special. Just like he has created you unique and special.
As white snow blankets the ground, we are reminded of God and His purity and His perfection. The complexity and beauty of each single snowflake only hints at His transcendent intelligence and creativity. We hunker down and snuggle in.
Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together. Same for believers, we are fragile and we will not be able to withstand the wiles of the adversary alone. We must depend solely on Christ. We cant think that we can do it on our own we must stick together. If we stick together on moral issues and issues that we face we can make a huge difference in the world that we live in.
There are some basic life lessons that we can learn from the snowflake. If we apply them to our lives we will no just be hears of the word but doers of the word.
Be unique
Every snowflake has it’s own shape and look. So should you! Accept yourself and be yourself. Everyone is different and should remain that way.
Work with others/Work with others
One flake doesn’t fall during a storm, millions do. As they build up and stick together, they accomplish a lot. Billions of the can become inches, maybe even feet tall and blanket miles upon miles. If you want to achieve success and change your life, you will need help from others eventually.
You can be small but powerful
Snowflakes are very small but very powerful. They’re extremely delicate but can shut down whole cities and states. You may be “weak” physically but mentally you can be strong.
Take your time
Unless wind is pushing them, snowflakes usually take their time to get to their destination. Don’t rush through life, it’s the journey that’s important, not the destination.
Divert away from your planned route
Most snowflakes are supposed to land on the ground and may be headed that way when they’re falling. But sometimes they land in trees, lakes, or the street. They go with the flow and are very flexible. It’s great if you have planned out your time and life, but events are going to throw those off course. So be flexible and let certain events take you for a ride.
Bring happiness and enjoyment to others
At times snow can be extremely dangerous, but think about how many times snow has made people happy and joyful. Kids get off from school and spend time sleigh riding, while skiers and snowboarders can hit the slopes. Just the sight of a fresh blanket of snow makes people feel good. You should do the same, make people happy to see and talk to you. Don’t be miserable because you’ll bring those around you down. A smile is contiguous. Try one on today I promise it will make you and others happy to see you. A smile is translated the same in all languages.
Life is short
Snowflakes don’t last that long. Frequently they melt the instant they hit the ground, but they’ve had a interesting journey. Cherish your life and every minute you have. Every day is a Gift from God!
I will add verses later
So the next time you see snow, I pray that you will remember that “all good and perfect gifts come from above” and the God has blessed you. Each snow flake is to remind us to depend on him even more. Now, Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Ptolemy Tompkins
Libbrecht on his website snowcrystals.com
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