Angel Associates
Pastor Rodney A. Fry
You are not alone. I would guess that this very moment invisible visitors are viewing your every movement. Even though you cannot see them, they are definitely there. Who are these unseen onlookers who accompany us every second of our lives, witnessing our words, deeds, and possibly even our thoughts? They are angels.
You may be surprised to know that the Bible contains more than three hundred direct references to angels. What the Bible says about angels is stirring, eye-opening, awe inspiring, comforting, and challenging. It whets our appetite for Heaven, for in Heaven we will be allowed to associate more directly with these marvelous creations called angels than we do down here and now.
In Heaven we will associate with amazing creatures called angels.
Angel Myths
Because there is so much misinformation floating around about angels, it is helpful to examine some of the most common myths. Let's look briefly at several of the legends of angels and compare them with what the Bible clearly teaches.
1. Angels are adorable chubby babies with wings and/or pale females.
Walking into many gift shops, one might imagine that the primary role of angels is purely decorative. Holiday angels are soft, luscious creatures, all ruffles and fluff. They are sweet, beautiful ladies wearing kind, nonjudgmental smiles. Valentine angels are pink, plump, dimpled, whimsical, cute, baby cupids carrying little bows. Neither representation is anything anyone would take seriously.
The Bible paints a drastically different portrait of angels. Every angel described in the Bible is an awe-inducing adult male. (For examples, see Daniel 10:8; Luke 1:12-13, 30; 2:9-10; Matthew 28:2-5). Repeatedly, when you read of an angel appearing to a human, the first words out of the angel's mouth are "Fear not." Why? Because seeing a real angel would easily scare you out of your wits. Even the fearless man of God, Daniel, described his encounter with an angel this way, "I had no strength, my faced turned deathly pale and I was helpless" (Daniel 10:8). When angels appeared to the shepherds, announcing the birth of Messiah, the Bible says those poor shepherds were terrified. Words like cute and cuddly don't go with any of the angels described in the Bible.
2. Angels must earn their wings.
The cute concept that angels must earn their wings by doing good deeds comes from the mild angel character "Clarence" in the classic holiday movie It's a Wonderful Life. It makes for a great story, but it has no basis in truth. The fact is that such a notion is never mentioned in the Bible. When God created angels, they already had their wings and seem to be able to hide them when they take a human form.
3. Angels lounge in Heaven playing harps.
I think this myth comes from a misunderstanding of Revelation 5. A close reading of that passage makes it clear that the only persons said to be playing harps in Heaven are the twenty-four elders, who are redeemed humans, not angels (Revelation 5:8-14).
4. Angels reproduce.
I hate to break it to you, but you cannot marry an angel. Oh, she may be a cute girl, but technically she can't be an angel. Also, note that angels don't make babies. I know the old song says it's angels who create really special people, mixing sunlight and star dust to make a "dream come true." It makes for a nice song, but not a true one. The fact is, Jesus Himself stated clearly that angels do not marry or reproduce (Mark 12:25).
5. Angels are former humans.
A common myth is that when a nice person dies, he or she goes to Heaven and becomes an angel. According to the Bible, humans and angels are two entirely and eternally different classes of beings. We are different species. Humans do not graduate to "angelhood" at death. Instead, we will ultimately receive heavenly human bodies similar to the one Jesus had after His resurrection.
Angel Facts
I hope that some of the truths about angel myths did not upset you. If so, don't worry. The rest of the story of angels will enrich and excite you. It will also give you a greater longing for Heaven.
1. Angels are real.
Angels really exist. As we said, there are over three hundred direct references to angels in the Bible. You cannot believe the Bible without believing in angels.
2. Angels are spirit beings.
The writer of the biblical book of Hebrews asks an important rhetorical question when he says, "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14, emphasis added). The answer of course is yes, angels are spirits sent to serve us. Humans have a spirit, but we are dominated by our bodies. Angels are spirits who can take a bodily form, but most of the time they don't. Therefore, to us they are invisible.
However, in Heaven angels will be visible. We will see them and interact with them. When the apostle John looked into Heaven in the future, he repeatedly saw and spoke with angels (Revelation 5:2; 7:2; 8:3-12; 9:1,13-14; 10:1, 5-9; 11:15; 14:6-9,15-19; 16:2-17; 17:3, 7, 15; 18:1, 21; 19:9, 17; 21:15, 17; 22:1, 6, 8, 16). Hanging out with angels is a major attraction of Heaven.
3. Angels exist to obey God and serve the saved.
Angels are "sent to serve those who will inherit salvation" (Hebrews 1:14, emphasis added). David wrote, "Praise the lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding" (Psalm 103:20).
Angels, good and bad, live to obey the will of their superior. Good angels exist to serve those who are born again. If you are a Christian, God's angels exist to aid you. There is no reason to believe that their service will diminish in Heaven. In fact, it will probably be enhanced.
4. Angels were created by God.
God is the only uncreated being in the universe. Angels are not on the same level as God. They are created by God (Colossians 1:16; Job 38:4, 7; Psalm 104:4-5). Angels have not always existed. Unlike God, they are not self-existent or self-sufficient.
5. Angels are highly organized in a governmental/military structure.
The Bible speaks of thrones, powers, rulers, and authorities in the current heavenly realm (Colossians 1:16; Ephesians 3:10). Although it is not the focus of this book, we should mention the great unseen war going on in the spirit world right now. Every angel is a part of this war effort. They aren't isolated, wandering souls. They are on-purpose beings whose manner is strictly business. They realize the severity of the spiritual war being waged between God and Satan for your soul. They recognize their position in either the army of light or the army of darkness. They have a tight hierarchy with positions of rank and order.
6. Angels are mighty creatures.
Angels are not cuddly babies or soft ladies. They are called "mighty ones" (Psalm 103:20). One angel had the strength to lift and carry the huge stone in front of Jesus' tomb up the hill (Matthew 28:2). In the future, four angels will have the power to hold back the wind (Revelation 7:1). Later, a single angel will throw into the sea a boulder so large that the wave will drown an entire city (Revelation 18:21). Angels are currently far superior to humans in terms of speed, strength, and intelligence.
7. Angels are immortal.
Jesus says that after the resurrection, humans will be as angels already are, in that we will no longer die (Luke 20:36). You cannot kill an angel. At this time in history, good angels fight with demons in spiritual warfare. Eventually, all evil angels will be imprisoned.
8. When not taking a humanlike form, angels are described as wind, fire, and stars.
Angels are spirits. Frequently, the Bible writers describe them in a way we could identify with—flames of fire, bursts of wind, shining stars (Judges 5:20; Job 38:7; Psalm 18:10-14; Hebrews 1:7; Revelation 9:1—2). Even when they do appear in human form, they are bright, shining, brilliantly lit beings.
9. Angels are only visible when God opens our eyes to see them.
I love one particular story in 2 Kings. Aram was at war with Israel. The Arameans were mad at God's man, Elisha. Every time they planned an attack, Elisha informed Israel's army as to exactly what the Arameans were going to do. The Arameans got so angry that when they discovered Elisha's location, they sent an entire army to get him. Elisha's servant woke him up in the morning to tell him that the enemy had surrounded the entire town with their army. The servant was terrified, exclaiming, "What'll we do? What'll we do?"
Elisha confidently calmed his consternated servant.
"Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them. "And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
kings 6:16-17
God opened the servant's eyes to give him a little glimpse behind the scenes. What did he see? He saw an awesome army of angels surrounding the army of Aram. Elisha prayed and the angels blinded the enemy soldiers. Then Elisha led the enemy army back to his capital. There the king served them lunch and sent them home. Not surprisingly, we never read about them bothering Israel or Elisha ever again.
10. Angels do not compare with Jesus Christ.
The primary point of the book of Hebrews is that Jesus is better than anything else out there. No one or no thing compares to Him, not even angels. He is supreme. Jesus' person and His name are superior to the angels (Hebrews 1:4). Jesus is worthy of worship from angels (1:6). He will sit at the right hand of the Father; they are simply servants (1:8-14). Jesus will ultimately rule the world (2:5).
In Philippians 2 we read that because Jesus left the glories of Heaven to become a man, died on the cross to pay for our sins, and rose from the dead, one day in Heaven every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. It is very clear which knees will bow—every knee on earth and in Heaven (Philippians 2:9-11). That means that every knee of every human and every knee of every angel will one day bow down and claim Jesus is Lord. He is superior to all, including angels.
11. Angels are not to be worshiped, hut were created to lead us to worship God.
Paul warned against the futility of worshiping angels and getting overly caught up in angel sightings (Colossians 2:18). The saddest aspect about the current "angel mania" is that people are choosing angels to be their spiritual touch point, in place of Jesus Christ. People who choke on the hard truths of the Bible and the holiness side of God often substitute angels as a handy compromise of sweet, gooey, nonjudgmental fluff. Yet angels are inadequate spiritual touch points. We all need a genuine relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
We were created to worship God, not His servants.
Granted, angels are amazing beings. They are smarter, faster, stronger, and more beautiful than any of us. They are so impressive that twice even the apostle John tried to worship them. But, in both cases, the angel said the same thing.
At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!"
revelation 19:10
But he said to me, "Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets and of all who keep the words of this book. Worship God!"
revelation 21:9
Worship God!
So What?
In Heaven we will have unparalleled access to and association with awe-inspiring beings called angels. They will do for us then what they desire to do for us now—serve us and help us worship God.
Why not pause right now and worship the One who is superior to the angels? Worship Jesus Christ.
Earley, D., Heaven
Graham, Billy, Angels
Mitchell, Ron. Theology Notes
Pastor Rodney A. Fry
You are not alone. I would guess that this very moment invisible visitors are viewing your every movement. Even though you cannot see them, they are definitely there. Who are these unseen onlookers who accompany us every second of our lives, witnessing our words, deeds, and possibly even our thoughts? They are angels.
You may be surprised to know that the Bible contains more than three hundred direct references to angels. What the Bible says about angels is stirring, eye-opening, awe inspiring, comforting, and challenging. It whets our appetite for Heaven, for in Heaven we will be allowed to associate more directly with these marvelous creations called angels than we do down here and now.
In Heaven we will associate with amazing creatures called angels.
Angel Myths
Because there is so much misinformation floating around about angels, it is helpful to examine some of the most common myths. Let's look briefly at several of the legends of angels and compare them with what the Bible clearly teaches.
1. Angels are adorable chubby babies with wings and/or pale females.
Walking into many gift shops, one might imagine that the primary role of angels is purely decorative. Holiday angels are soft, luscious creatures, all ruffles and fluff. They are sweet, beautiful ladies wearing kind, nonjudgmental smiles. Valentine angels are pink, plump, dimpled, whimsical, cute, baby cupids carrying little bows. Neither representation is anything anyone would take seriously.
The Bible paints a drastically different portrait of angels. Every angel described in the Bible is an awe-inducing adult male. (For examples, see Daniel 10:8; Luke 1:12-13, 30; 2:9-10; Matthew 28:2-5). Repeatedly, when you read of an angel appearing to a human, the first words out of the angel's mouth are "Fear not." Why? Because seeing a real angel would easily scare you out of your wits. Even the fearless man of God, Daniel, described his encounter with an angel this way, "I had no strength, my faced turned deathly pale and I was helpless" (Daniel 10:8). When angels appeared to the shepherds, announcing the birth of Messiah, the Bible says those poor shepherds were terrified. Words like cute and cuddly don't go with any of the angels described in the Bible.
2. Angels must earn their wings.
The cute concept that angels must earn their wings by doing good deeds comes from the mild angel character "Clarence" in the classic holiday movie It's a Wonderful Life. It makes for a great story, but it has no basis in truth. The fact is that such a notion is never mentioned in the Bible. When God created angels, they already had their wings and seem to be able to hide them when they take a human form.
3. Angels lounge in Heaven playing harps.
I think this myth comes from a misunderstanding of Revelation 5. A close reading of that passage makes it clear that the only persons said to be playing harps in Heaven are the twenty-four elders, who are redeemed humans, not angels (Revelation 5:8-14).
4. Angels reproduce.
I hate to break it to you, but you cannot marry an angel. Oh, she may be a cute girl, but technically she can't be an angel. Also, note that angels don't make babies. I know the old song says it's angels who create really special people, mixing sunlight and star dust to make a "dream come true." It makes for a nice song, but not a true one. The fact is, Jesus Himself stated clearly that angels do not marry or reproduce (Mark 12:25).
5. Angels are former humans.
A common myth is that when a nice person dies, he or she goes to Heaven and becomes an angel. According to the Bible, humans and angels are two entirely and eternally different classes of beings. We are different species. Humans do not graduate to "angelhood" at death. Instead, we will ultimately receive heavenly human bodies similar to the one Jesus had after His resurrection.
Angel Facts
I hope that some of the truths about angel myths did not upset you. If so, don't worry. The rest of the story of angels will enrich and excite you. It will also give you a greater longing for Heaven.
1. Angels are real.
Angels really exist. As we said, there are over three hundred direct references to angels in the Bible. You cannot believe the Bible without believing in angels.
2. Angels are spirit beings.
The writer of the biblical book of Hebrews asks an important rhetorical question when he says, "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14, emphasis added). The answer of course is yes, angels are spirits sent to serve us. Humans have a spirit, but we are dominated by our bodies. Angels are spirits who can take a bodily form, but most of the time they don't. Therefore, to us they are invisible.
However, in Heaven angels will be visible. We will see them and interact with them. When the apostle John looked into Heaven in the future, he repeatedly saw and spoke with angels (Revelation 5:2; 7:2; 8:3-12; 9:1,13-14; 10:1, 5-9; 11:15; 14:6-9,15-19; 16:2-17; 17:3, 7, 15; 18:1, 21; 19:9, 17; 21:15, 17; 22:1, 6, 8, 16). Hanging out with angels is a major attraction of Heaven.
3. Angels exist to obey God and serve the saved.
Angels are "sent to serve those who will inherit salvation" (Hebrews 1:14, emphasis added). David wrote, "Praise the lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding" (Psalm 103:20).
Angels, good and bad, live to obey the will of their superior. Good angels exist to serve those who are born again. If you are a Christian, God's angels exist to aid you. There is no reason to believe that their service will diminish in Heaven. In fact, it will probably be enhanced.
4. Angels were created by God.
God is the only uncreated being in the universe. Angels are not on the same level as God. They are created by God (Colossians 1:16; Job 38:4, 7; Psalm 104:4-5). Angels have not always existed. Unlike God, they are not self-existent or self-sufficient.
5. Angels are highly organized in a governmental/military structure.
The Bible speaks of thrones, powers, rulers, and authorities in the current heavenly realm (Colossians 1:16; Ephesians 3:10). Although it is not the focus of this book, we should mention the great unseen war going on in the spirit world right now. Every angel is a part of this war effort. They aren't isolated, wandering souls. They are on-purpose beings whose manner is strictly business. They realize the severity of the spiritual war being waged between God and Satan for your soul. They recognize their position in either the army of light or the army of darkness. They have a tight hierarchy with positions of rank and order.
6. Angels are mighty creatures.
Angels are not cuddly babies or soft ladies. They are called "mighty ones" (Psalm 103:20). One angel had the strength to lift and carry the huge stone in front of Jesus' tomb up the hill (Matthew 28:2). In the future, four angels will have the power to hold back the wind (Revelation 7:1). Later, a single angel will throw into the sea a boulder so large that the wave will drown an entire city (Revelation 18:21). Angels are currently far superior to humans in terms of speed, strength, and intelligence.
7. Angels are immortal.
Jesus says that after the resurrection, humans will be as angels already are, in that we will no longer die (Luke 20:36). You cannot kill an angel. At this time in history, good angels fight with demons in spiritual warfare. Eventually, all evil angels will be imprisoned.
8. When not taking a humanlike form, angels are described as wind, fire, and stars.
Angels are spirits. Frequently, the Bible writers describe them in a way we could identify with—flames of fire, bursts of wind, shining stars (Judges 5:20; Job 38:7; Psalm 18:10-14; Hebrews 1:7; Revelation 9:1—2). Even when they do appear in human form, they are bright, shining, brilliantly lit beings.
9. Angels are only visible when God opens our eyes to see them.
I love one particular story in 2 Kings. Aram was at war with Israel. The Arameans were mad at God's man, Elisha. Every time they planned an attack, Elisha informed Israel's army as to exactly what the Arameans were going to do. The Arameans got so angry that when they discovered Elisha's location, they sent an entire army to get him. Elisha's servant woke him up in the morning to tell him that the enemy had surrounded the entire town with their army. The servant was terrified, exclaiming, "What'll we do? What'll we do?"
Elisha confidently calmed his consternated servant.
"Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them. "And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
kings 6:16-17
God opened the servant's eyes to give him a little glimpse behind the scenes. What did he see? He saw an awesome army of angels surrounding the army of Aram. Elisha prayed and the angels blinded the enemy soldiers. Then Elisha led the enemy army back to his capital. There the king served them lunch and sent them home. Not surprisingly, we never read about them bothering Israel or Elisha ever again.
10. Angels do not compare with Jesus Christ.
The primary point of the book of Hebrews is that Jesus is better than anything else out there. No one or no thing compares to Him, not even angels. He is supreme. Jesus' person and His name are superior to the angels (Hebrews 1:4). Jesus is worthy of worship from angels (1:6). He will sit at the right hand of the Father; they are simply servants (1:8-14). Jesus will ultimately rule the world (2:5).
In Philippians 2 we read that because Jesus left the glories of Heaven to become a man, died on the cross to pay for our sins, and rose from the dead, one day in Heaven every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. It is very clear which knees will bow—every knee on earth and in Heaven (Philippians 2:9-11). That means that every knee of every human and every knee of every angel will one day bow down and claim Jesus is Lord. He is superior to all, including angels.
11. Angels are not to be worshiped, hut were created to lead us to worship God.
Paul warned against the futility of worshiping angels and getting overly caught up in angel sightings (Colossians 2:18). The saddest aspect about the current "angel mania" is that people are choosing angels to be their spiritual touch point, in place of Jesus Christ. People who choke on the hard truths of the Bible and the holiness side of God often substitute angels as a handy compromise of sweet, gooey, nonjudgmental fluff. Yet angels are inadequate spiritual touch points. We all need a genuine relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
We were created to worship God, not His servants.
Granted, angels are amazing beings. They are smarter, faster, stronger, and more beautiful than any of us. They are so impressive that twice even the apostle John tried to worship them. But, in both cases, the angel said the same thing.
At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!"
revelation 19:10
But he said to me, "Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets and of all who keep the words of this book. Worship God!"
revelation 21:9
Worship God!
So What?
In Heaven we will have unparalleled access to and association with awe-inspiring beings called angels. They will do for us then what they desire to do for us now—serve us and help us worship God.
Why not pause right now and worship the One who is superior to the angels? Worship Jesus Christ.
Earley, D., Heaven
Graham, Billy, Angels
Mitchell, Ron. Theology Notes