I was in study this week and when I was reading Psalm 34:10. I know God wanted me to read this because I was also reading a news article where a preacher was saying “Name it Claim it” which I’m like no way buddy, he quoted this same verse that I had read earlier so I was writing in my journal and wanted to share with you as well what I wrote (I would encourage you to journal what your studying in Gods word and step back and watch you grow in faith like watching a garden grow in the spring beware though you need to weed out the grass from time to time or the weeds will over take your garden)
Psalm 34:10 --- Will God give us anything we want?
To lack nothing (the promise of this psalm) is not the same thing as to have everything. And to imagine that God is ready to open His sack of goodies to put all our wants under our beds during the night is to live in a hopelessly imaginary world where the triune God of the Bible is remade into a giant version of Santa Claus.
Yes, some of the Bible's instructions about how to pray and how to share could lead a person to believe that anything, absolutely anything, is obtainable with sufficient faith. Want to be filthy rich? Pray in faith. Want to recover the fitness of a seventeen-year-old? Pray in faith. Want to have this, want to do that. . . ?
God's promises hold immense value, but not as people measure value. God's promise that we will "lack no good thing" cannot mean perfect bodily health and worldly wealth, those being typical human measures of happiness. To lack nothing rather refers to: (1) spiritual resources to meet life's difficulties, and (2) eventual heavenly resources to justify God's holy community in Christ. (MacAruthur 2)
On the first count, God promises joy, peace, strength, and hope. Life will bring its hits, but God's resources are there to carry us through. On the second count, Christ has paid the penalty for all human sin, and God has gathered a very large "community of saints" that will celebrate forever Christ's victory. That promise of celebration is Gods guarantee before the fact. In heaven we will lack nothing, for all will be provided.